Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sounds of Petty (Les @ 145mph taking the checker)

After safety instruction and several trips around the track showing you the optimal driving lines and areas to watch for, they turn you loose with an instructor to "chase".

You follow the lead car trying to "keep up" with his speed and getting "no asphalt" between you and the instructor --- about 4 cars lengths is optimal.

As they feel better and better about your skills, you ramp up the speed.

Warm up lap and cool down lap with 8 laps of checkered flag in between --- usually three groups of two on the track at a time plus the "ride along" cars so there is traffic.

Most incredible feeling to hit the high bank corners and understand just how "narrow" the track appears. Then try to imagine a car in front and one in back and maybe one or two on either side of you -- and the car "moves" around the track much more than it appears on races.

More later on --- shuttle launches at 5pm and we're headed south to fine a place to watch from.

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