This is the view from the dining room table where I'm currently at working on the blog. Breaker wall drops about 15' to the sand and sea spray is coming up over the back. Everyone slept hard last night with their doors open to the sea and listen to the surf all night long.

View from Janice and my bedroom --- not a bad view to wake up to.

World Surfing Championships are ON for today due to the "Epic" surf conditions so we're headed north to Pipeline, Sunset Beach and the other world class surfing locations. Will get some more photos online tonight. Keep in mind that it's just now noon on the "island".
And Kyle wants to know -- "What's the poor people doing today....."
More later in the day....
VaughnWest and Vaughn East lost somewhere in the Pacific.......
1 comment:
Sounds like you guys had quite the flight experience. Did the man mean to take your laptop???
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